Bisexuality Forum - Moderated forum features discussion, personals, live chat, story archive, and links, as well as an "informal" page for "off-topic" chat and open messages to individuals.

Bisexual Resource List - a compilation of resources useful to bisexual and bifriendly people.

Bi Community News - the National Newsletter for UK Bisexuals.

#BiFemSexuality - an online community that discusses Bisexual issues (female) in a safe environment on the UnderNet IRC Network - worldwide resources for bisexuals.

Bi Planet - discussion boards, newsletters, articles and resources.

BisexualNation - chat, personals, comedy, horoscopes, shopping and more!

Bisexual Options - Your source for specifically bisexual information on the Net.

Bi The Way...

Ladies Loving Ladies - bisexual/lesbian oriented site offering e-cards, email, classifieds and more. homepage - Homepage for the newsgroup.

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